Pilates Principles
The Pilates Principles are what make Pilates a truly unique exercise experience. Joseph Pilates didn’t formulate the Principles directly, but those who study and teach Pilates follow these Principles when teaching and practising Pilates:
Concentration: Focussed awareness of your entire body throughout the exercises to obtain maximum value from each movement.
Breathing: Joseph Pilates placed emphasis on using a full breath in his exercise repertoire. He advocated thinking of the lungs as a bellows “using them strongly to pump the air fully in and out of the body”. Using the breath properly is an integral part of Pilates.
Centring: Bringing the focus to the centre of the body, the area between the ribs and the hips at both anterior and posterior parts if the torso. A strong centre is important in order to maintain good control and balance in the body as a whole.
Control: Every exercise is done with complete muscular control. It is all conscious, deliberate movement carried out in a mindful manner to benefit both mentally and physically.
Precision: There is an appropriate placement, alignment relative to other body parts, and trajectory for each part of the body ensuring correct technique.
Flowing Movement: Each exercise flows from one to another. Fluidity and grace are applied to all exercises. The energy of an exercise connects all body parts and flows through the body in an even way.