About Pilates

Pilates is a form of exercise that was created by Joseph Pilates in the early 1920's, and was originally known as ‘Contrology’.

It combines mental conditioning with physical training and allows the individual to stretch and strengthen in a non-impact way. Pilates concentrates on posture, balance and flexibility. It also focuses on mental concentration, using breath to drive movement and building strength in the core of the body. Pilates uses slow, controlled and precise movements to strengthen the deep stabilising muscles which help support the spine and promotes balanced muscle development. The exercises focus on flexibility of the spine in all planes of motion and encourages you to pay close attention to your own range of motion to obtain the most out of each exercise for your body.

Joseph Pilates spent his life focussed on the health and wellbeing of the whole body. He believed that if you were hoping for physical change, spiritual change or emotional change, movement was required to achieve this. He was driven to find as many ways as he could to help people create strong, flexible bodies that move efficiently.

The benefits of Pilates are endless and some of the physical benefits include; improved posture, increased muscle tone, better flexibility, coordination and an increased body awareness. Pilates can also improve your concentration, act a stress reliever, and compliment other exercise you do.

What makes Pilates different from other exercises is that it really is suitable for everybody, it’s inclusive to everyone of all age ranges. You can easily practise Pilates in many ways to make it suitable for your own personal fitness goals and abilities.

Get in touch

To book a Pilates session with Niki, or to find out more, please get in touch: